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Campus Delivery Service

Milner Library is pleased to provide campus delivery of eligible library materials to Illinois State University faculty members. Eligible items include all circulating materials that can be requested using the library’s online catalog, including both Milner-owned and I-Share materials.

Requesting Items from Milner/I-Share Catalog

Select “Faculty – Campus Mail” from the “Choose pick-up location” drop down menu. This will need to be done on an item by item basis, depending on your personal needs.

Requesting Items from Interlibrary Loan

  • Logon to your Interlibrary Loan account to make updates to your personal preferences
  • Change “Pickup Location” to “Faculty-Campus Mail” located in the “About My Request” portion of your request.
  • Faculty members will need to change their pickup location each time they make a request for a book if they wish to receive it via Campus Mail.

Questions or assistance can be directed to the Milner Library Interlibrary Loan Unit at (309) 438-3461, or

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are items I have requested charged to my account that I have not received?
Items will be charged to your account prior to placing them in campus mail. Under normal circumstances they will be delivered within one business day after being picked up from the Library.
What if I do not receive the items?
Please contact the Library directly. We have a set up a tracking mechanism with University Mail Service Center that will allow us to track the delivery from the time it leaves the Library.
May I return the items though campus mail?
We would prefer you not return items using campus mail. While you can send Library items back to the Library using campus mail, there is no way for Mail Services or the Library to track your package. You will be responsible for replacing materials returned through campus mail that are not received by the Library.
What items are not available for campus delivery?
Items that are not eligible for campus delivery include non-circulating/in-building use items, and short loan items. Non-circulating/in-building use items would include reference materials, journals, and microforms, as well as InterLibrary Loan materials designated as “In Library Use Only.” Short loan items would include our TMC materials, Audio-Visual items, and other items that are not currently available for online requests. Also, there are some oversize materials that exceed the dimensions established by Mail Services. Individuals will be notified directly in these instances and the items will be placed on our hold shelves for Library pick-up.
Is there a limit to how much can be mailed through Campus Mail?
While there is no limit on how much can be requested for Campus Mail delivery, the Library is limited by what can fit into an individual package, and the Mail Services bins. If the requested materials exceed these limitations the request will be broken into multiple packages and shipped accordingly. This may result in a delay in receiving items already charged to your account.