The interdisciplinary nature at the core of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies fields reflects the diverse nature of scholarship in these areas at Illinois State University. Students in fields of study ranging from the arts and humanities to education, social sciences, medicine, and communications bring critical analyses to their work through the lenses of gender, race, class, ethnicity, and LGBT/Queer studies, to name just a few. WGSS student research and creative endeavors across campus also reflect new and changing methods, theories, and practices, resulting in an exhilarating program of scholarship, activism, and artistic production that is highlighted each year at the WGSS Annual Student Research Symposium.
25th & Change commemorates 25 years of the annual WGSS Symposium at Illinois State University through a series of dynamic artifacts and remembrances. Composed of symposium programs, advertisements, and an assortment of ephemera, the exhibit makes material the evolution of the symposium from its beginnings as a small, program-wide symposium, to the signature spring event for the College of Arts and Sciences that it is today.