On November 3, Milner Library’s Government Documents Collection celebrates its 145th anniversary as a member of the Federal Depository Library Program. An exhibition marking this distinction is currently on display highlighting the collection’s history, breadth, and use over the years.
As one of the oldest depository libraries in the nation, learn Milner Library’s role in providing historic and current Federal Government sources for the curricular, research, and information needs at Illinois State University and the community. Discover how Ange. V. Milner—the University’s first fulltime librarian and Library’s namesake—taught, wrote, promoted, and advocated for changes in the depository program. View representative documents showcasing the breadth and beauty of government sources along sixteen themes such as landmark legislation and reports, art, maps, and even government spokes messengers like Smokey Bear, Woodsy Owl, Owlie Skywarn, and Pestina!
Help yourself to a free pocket Constitution and other federal depository library swag, too!