Constitution Day is celebrated each year on September 17 to commemorate the September 17, 1787, signing of the United States Constitution. The day was originally proposed by the Daughters of the American revolution with the purpose of informing people about the constitution of America’s heritage, encouraging the study of historical events that led to the framing of the Constitution, and emphasizing citizen responsibility to protect and defend the Constitution. In 1956, President Eisenhower signed into law Constitution Week which runs September 17-23, to commemorate the ratification of the Constitution. Any educational institution that receives federal funding is required to hold an educational program about the U.S. Constitution for its students. This exhibition includes a visual display of the U.S. Constitution and free copies of the pocket Constitution compliments of the Center for Civic Engagement and Milner Library’s Government Documents Department.
Constitution Day 2022
Dates and Location
September 12-18, 2022
Milner Library, Floor 2
Benway Student Art Exhibition Area
Center for Civic Engagement