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Dr. Rachel Scott

Associate Dean for Information Assets
Milner Library
Milner Library - MLB 311
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Rachel Scott is the Associate Dean for Information Assets at Milner Library, Illinois State University. She was previously a tenured Associate Professor at the University Libraries, University of Memphis where she served as Catalog Librarian (2012-2014), Integrated Library Systems Librarian (2014-2020), and Interim Coordinator for Collection Management, Cataloging, and Library Information Systems (2018-2020). Scott is editor of Library Resources & Technical Services and publishes on music bibliography, scholarly communications, library collections, and technical services.

PhD Historical Musicology

University of Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee

MM Music Performance

Belmont University
Nashville, Tennessee

MS Library and Information Science

University of Illinois

BM Music Performance

University of Illinois

2023 Presidential Citation

Core: A Division of the American Library Association

Birdie MacLennan Award


College of Communication and Fine Arts Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award

University of Memphis

33rd Annual Student Research Forum - Second Place

University of Memphis

Book Review

Scott, R. Europeana. Taylor & Francis (2013)

Book, Authored

Scott, R., Harrington, C., & Brunsting, K. Open Access Literature in Libraries: Principles and Practices. American Library Association (2023)

Book, Chapter

Barton, G., & Scott, R. Relocating, Downsizing, and Merging: Inventory Projects to Manage Change in a Digital Environment. Stacey Marien (EDs), Library Technical Services: Adapting to a Changing Environment. Purdue University Press (2020)
Haggerty, K., & Scott, R. Teaching copyleft as a critical approach to “information has value. Critical approaches to credit-bearing information literacy courses (2019): 259--270.
Scott, R. Meta-Literacy in the Online Music Classroom: Opportunities for Instructor and Librarian Collaboration. Carol Johnson and Virginia Christy Lamothe (EDs), Pedagogy Development for Teaching Online Music. IGI Global (2018): 287--305.
Scott, R. Performance as Conversation: Dialogic Aspects of Music Performance and Study. Samantha Godbey; Xan Goodman; Susan Wainscott (EDs), Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts. Association of College and Research Libraries (2017)
Duffy, W., Scott, R., & Schnabel, J. Leveraging New Frameworks to Teach Information Appropriation. Rewired: Research-Writing Partnerships within the Frameworks (2016)

Conference Proceeding

Harrington, C., & Scott, R. Intersections of Open Access and Information Privilege in Higher Education and Beyond. NASIG Proceedings 37 (2023): 169–179.
Jallas, Mallory; Murphy, Julie A.; Park, Rachel; Scott, Rachel E.; and Shelley, Anne, "On the Same Team: Technical Services and Student Success Tackle Textbook Affordability" (2023). ACRL 2023 Conference Proceedings, Deposited
Scott, R., Murphy, J., Park, R., Shelley, A., & Jallas, M. Texts on Repeat: Examining the Persistence of Assigned Course Materials. Charleston Conference Proceedings (2023): 398–412.
Shelley, A., & Scott, R. Textbook Affordability Initiatives and Open Educational Resources: Complementary or Competing Approaches to a Persistent Problem. NASIG Proceedings 37 (2023): 22–34.
Jabaily, M., Farney, T., Harrington, C., & Scott, R. The Library Never Closes: Assessing Resources and Services After a Crisis. Ascending into an Open Future: Proceedings from ACRL 2021 Virtual Conference (2022): 40-54.

Journal Article

Murphy, J., Scott, R., Shelley, A., Jallas, M., & Park, R. Supporting an Inclusive and Equitable Classroom: Student Perspectives on a Textbook Affordability Initiative. portal: Libraries & the Academy 24.2 (2024): 265-283.
Scott, R., Shelley, A., Buckley, C., Thayer-Styes, C., & Murphy, J. Exploring Faculty Perspectives on Open Access at a Medium-Sized, American Doctoral University. Insights: the UKSG journal (2023)
Scott, R., Murphy, J., Jallas, M., Shelley, A., & Park, R. Exploring Faculty Perspectives on Text Selection and Textbook Affordability. College & Research Libraries 84.2 (2023): 180-202.
Scott, R. “Shot Into the Air Like a Rocket”: Climax in the Lieder of Alma Mahler. College Music Symposium 63.1 (2023)
Shelley, A., & Scott, R. Having a Textbook Locks Me into a Particular Narrative’: Textbooks and Open Educational Resources in Music Higher Education. Notes: the Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 79.3 (2023): 303–332.


Lerro, J., & Scott, R. Partners in Progress: Publishers and Librarians Support Open Access Publishing. Library Resources & Technical Services 68.1-2 (2024)
Scott, R., Brunsting, K., & Harrington, C. A Conversation with the Authors of Open Access Literature in Libraries: Principles and Practices. Library Resources & Technical Services 67.3 (2023): 66-68.
Scott, R., & Fernandez, M. Open to Opportunity. Library Resources & Technical Services 67.1 (2023)
Dubnjakovic, A., & Scott, R. Editorial Note. Music Reference Services Quarterly 25.2-3 (2022): 45-46.
Scott, R. A Fond Farewell. Music Reference Services Quarterly 25.4 (2022): 97-98.


Getting Started in Publishing, Editing, and Peer Review. Getting Started in Publishing, Editing, and Peer Review. NASIG. (2024)
Introducing the Digital Scholarship Lab. 2024 Teaching and Learning Symposium. Center for Integrated Professional Development. (2024)
Partner or Problem?: Library-Led Affordability Services and Open Educational Resources. Open Education Conference. (2024)
Performing a Comeback: Assessing the Biography of Alma Mahler via YouTube Performances. Popular Culture Association Annual Meeting. Popular Culture Association. (2024)
Understanding, Incentivizing, and Supporting Openness in Music Librarianship. Annual Meeting of the Music Library Association. Music Library Association. (2024)
Achieving Institutional Goals through Open Access Publishing Partnerships. Charleston Conference. (2023)
Champagne Wishes and a Domestic Beer Budget: Assessing and Supporting Serials Access at a Carnegie R2. Charleston Conference. (2023)
Every Good Belletrist Deserves Funding: Arts and Humanities Scholars and Open Access Publishing Fees. Music Library Association. (2023)
MLA Best of Chapters: Supporting Textbook Affordability via Music Collection Development. Music Library Association Annual Meeting. (2023)
Music Scholars and Open Access Publishing. Lecture Circus - An Academic Exercise in Interdisciplinary Discourse and Discovery. University of Pennsylvania. (2023)

Grants & Contracts

Every Good Belletrist Deserves Funding: Arts and Humanities Scholars and the Costs of Open Access Publishing. ORGS. Illinois State University. (2023)
Scrutinizing Serial Subscriptions: Untangling Cost, Discovery, Access, Delivery, and Openness. ORGS. Illinois State University. (2022)
Austrian Music Festivals under American Occupation. Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies. Private. (2021)
Open Access in Musicology: Obstacles and Incentives. ORGS. Illinois State University. (2021)