Julie Murphy
Collection Assessment Librarian
Milner Library

MLB Milner Library 517
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Julie Murphy is the Collection Assessment Librarian at Milner Library, Illinois State University. Julie is also a graduate of Illinois State University, having earned a BS in Physics (2000) and an MS in Curriculum and Instruction (2006).
MS Library and Information Science
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois
MS Curriculum and Instruction
Illinois State University
Normal, IL
BS Physics
Illinois State University
Normal, IL
Redbirds Rise to the Challenge Award
Office of the Provost, Illinois State University
Honored Alumnus
Illinois State University Department of Physics
Conference Proceeding
Jallas, Mallory; Murphy, Julie A.; Park, Rachel; Scott, Rachel E.; and Shelley, Anne, "On the Same Team: Technical Services and Student Success Tackle Textbook Affordability" (2023). ACRL 2023 Conference Proceedings, https://www.ala.org/acrl/conferences/acrl2023/papers. Deposited
Scott, R., Murphy, J., Park, R., Shelley, A., & Jallas, M. Texts on Repeat: Examining the Persistence of Assigned Course Materials. Charleston Conference Proceedings (2023): 398–412.
Journal Article
Scott, R., Shelley, A., Buckley, C., Thayer-Styes, C., & Murphy, J. “I’ll Wait Zero Seconds”: Faculty Perspectives on Serials Access, Sharing, and Immediacy. College & Research Libraries 86.1 (2025)
Buckley, C., Scott, R., Shelley, A., Thayer-Styes, C., & Murphy, J. Disciplinary Differences and Scholarly Literature: Discovery, Browsing, and Formats. portal: Libraries & the Academy 24.4 (2024): 737-763.
Murphy, J., Scott, R., Shelley, A., Jallas, M., & Park, R. Supporting an Inclusive and Equitable Classroom: Student Perspectives on a Textbook Affordability Initiative. portal: Libraries & the Academy 24.2 (2024): 265-283.
Scott, R., Shelley, A., Buckley, C., Thayer-Styes, C., & Murphy, J. “Academic Publishing is a Business Interest”: Reconciling Faculty Serials Needs and Economic Realities at a Carnegie R2 University. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 12.1 (2024)
Scott, R., Shelley, A., Buckley, C., Thayer-Styes, C., & Murphy, J. Exploring Faculty Perspectives on Open Access at a Medium-Sized, American Doctoral University. Insights: the UKSG journal (2023)
Murphy, J., & Meyer, H. Best (And Not-So Best) Practices in Social Media. ILA Reporter XXXII.1 (2014)
Champagne Wishes and a Domestic Beer Budget: Assessing and Supporting Serials Access at a Carnegie R2. Charleston Conference. (2023)
On the Same Team: Technical Services and Student Success Tackle Textbook Affordability. ACRL 2023. Association of College and Research Libraries. (2023)
Quality as a Component of Value: Using Resources for College Libraries to Assess Course Assigned Texts. One Tool, Many Applications: Collection Assessment for Changing Times. (2023)
Partnering to Provide Affordable Access to e-Textbooks. Center for Teaching and Learning, and Technology Symposium. Center for Teaching and Learning, and Technology. (2022)
Texts on Repeat: Examining the Persistence of Assigned Course Materials. Charleston Conference. (2022)
Collaborating to Support Student Success: Exploring Free E-Text Access at Illinois State University. Florida Virtual Campus OER Summit. Florida Virtual Campus. (2021)
Collaborating to Support Student Success: Exploring Free e-Text Access at Illinois State University. Missouri A&OER Symposium. (2021)
Incorporating Student Voices: Assessing Library Collections to Support Student Success. Charleston Library Conference. (2021)
"It’s an Equity Issue!": Collaborating to Provide Assigned eTexts at Illinois State University. Reference and User Services Association Webinar. Association of College and Research Libraries. (2021)
Murphy, Julie A.; Jallas, Mallory; Park, Rachel; Scott, Rachel E.; and Shelley, Anne, "Mitigating the Impact of the Pandemic on Student Success with Free e-Text Access at Illinois State University" (2021). Faculty and Staff Publications – Milner Library. 123. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/fpml/123
Grants & Contracts
Scrutinizing Serial Subscriptions: Untangling Cost, Discovery, Access, Delivery, and Openness. ORGS. Illinois State University. (2022)
"Finding Their Way: Using Beacons to Navigate the Library". University Research Grant. Illinois State University. (2016)
Patron expectations and uses of electronic books.. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2012)