Shared Governance at Milner Library
The participation in the shared governance of Milner Library occurs through faculty and staff participation in college and University councils and committees as well as faculty meetings.
College Faculty Status Committee (CFSC)
According to part IV of the Illinois State University Faculty Appointment, Salary, Promotion and Tenure Policies document:
The CFSC shall review Department/School policies and procedures for appointment, reappointment, performance evaluation, promotion, tenure, and post-tenure reviews with authority to ensure conformity to College standards and University policies and procedures. The CFSC shall review Department/School policies and procedures for the allocation monies devoted to performance evaluated salary increments. These policies and procedures are left to the discretion of each Department/School, but the CFSC shall review them for clarity, fairness, and internal consistency.
- April Anderson-Zorn (FY25)
- Maureen Brunsdale (FY25-26)
- Dallas Long, chair
- Julie Murphy (FY24-25)
Milner Library College Faculty Status Committee College Standards document is available on the Office of the Provost’s web page.
Department Faculty Status Committee (DFSC)
According to Appendix I of the Milner Library Department Faculty Status Committee Criteria for Appointment, Evaluation, Salary Distribution, Promotion and Tenure document:
The DFSC shall be responsible for conducting pre-tenure reappointment reviews, and for providing pre-tenure faculty with individualized timelines for their probationary periods; conducting annual performance evaluations of faculty; reviewing faculty members’ professional activities and performance for purposes of promotion, tenure and post-tenure reviews; and review of this Criteria document and leading faculty in discussion of any needed changes.
- Grace Allbaugh (FY25)
- Angela Bonnell (FY24-25)
- Sue Franzen, chair
- Chad Kahl (FY25-26)
- Eric Willey (FY25-26)
Milner Library Department Faculty Status Committee’s Criteria for Appointment, Evaluation, Salary Distribution, Promotion and Tenure is available on the Office of the Provost’s web page.
Scholarly and Creative Activity Support Team
The Scholarly and Creative Activity Support Team charge, activities and members can be found on the committee's web page.
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Committee
IDEA's charge, activities, and members can be found on the committee's web page.
Library Council
According to Library Council Bylaws, the purpose of the Council:
In accordance with the constitution of Illinois State University and these Bylaws, the Milner Library Council shall act as the official body through which all library personnel participate in shared governance in such areas as strategic planning, community-building, and creation of campus partnerships. The Council also understands the practice of shared governance to occur in discussions and actions related to policies and procedures, curriculum integration, the allocation of positions, and the development of new services. All Council discussions and recommendations are advisory to the Dean of Milner Library, who will report rationale for the acceptance or non-acceptance of these recommendations.
Tenure Track/Tenured members:
- Chad Buckley (FY25-26)
- Joshua Newport (FY24-25)
- Angela Yon (FY25-26)
Non Tenure Track (NTT):
- Chris Worland (FY25-26)
Civil Service:
- Colby Cilento (FY25-26)
- Maddi Loiselle (FY25-26)
- Michelle Neuffer (FY24-25)
- Chris Young (FY24-25)
Student Representative:
- Vacant
- Dallas Long, Dean
Non-Tenure Track Evaluation Committee
The purpose of the non-tenure track evaluation committee is to serve as an advisory group to the Dean in the event of unresolved disagreements between a non-tenure track faculty member and the direct supervisor with regard to the non-tenure track faculty member's evaluation. In the case of an unresolved disagreement, the non-tenure track faculty member may request that the committee review all evaluation materials submitted. The committee then writes a report to submit to the Dean.
- Rebecca Fitzsimmons (FY25)
- Danielle Futoran Turos (FY25-26)
- Laura Killingsworth (FY25)
University Library Committee
The University Library Committee advises Milner Library faculty/staff on library collections, services, and resources that best meet the needs of students and faculty at the University and encourages the closer integration of such into teaching, learning, and other scholarly activities
Academic Senate
- Academic Senator / Faculty Caucus – Angela Bonnell (FY25-27)
- Executive Committee of the Academic Senate – Angela Bonnell (FY25)
Standing Internal Senate Committee
- Planning and Finance Committee – Angela Bonnell (FY25)
Standing External / Affiliated Senate Committees
- Academic Freedom, Ethics, and Grievance Committee – Danielle Futoran Turos (FY25)
- Academic Planning Committee – Chad Kahl (FY25-27)
- Council of Teacher Education – Grace Allbaugh (FY25), Caitlin Stewart (FY24-26)
- Council of General Education – Julie Murphy (FY25-27)
- Faculty Review Committee – Jennifer Sharkey (FY23-25)
- Panel of Ten/Administrator Selection Committee – Eric Willey (FY25)
- Reinstatement Committee – Angela Yon (FY25)
- Textbook Affordability Committee – Lindsey Skaggs (FY25), María Tudela (FY25-27)
- University Curriculum Committee – Joshua Newport (FY24-26)
- University Hearing Panel – Lindsey Skaggs (FY24-25), Maureen Brunsdale (FY25-26)
- University Review Committee – Chad Buckley (FY23-25)
- University Service Awards Committee – Heather Koopmans (FY25-26)
Other Campus Committees
- Academic Facilities Advisory Council – Sue Franzen
- Academic Leadership Council – Sue Franzen, Rachel Scott
- Academic Technologies Review Board – Rachel Scott
- Civic Engagement Advisory Board – Angela Bonnell, Chad Kahl
- Civic Engagement Ambassadors – Angela Bonnell, Chad Kahl
- College Research Council – Rachel Scott
- Institutional Review Board – Chad Kahl
- Intellectual Property Council – Colby Cilento
- University Research Council – Rachel Scott
- University Space Planning Committee – Dallas Long
- University Teaching Committee – April Anderson-Zorn
- Voter Engagement Coalition – Angela Bonnell, Chad Kahl